Thursday, December 01, 2005

So I Don't Suck After All

I always thought my online sales sucked pretty bad, but as it turns at, when comparing apples to apples, I'm pretty average:

"This group has placement on the front page [of], alongside Madonna and the Roots, for a solid week.

number of times their music was played: around 20,000
number of MySpace friend requests: 1200
number of mailing list signups: over 100
number of CDs sold: ZERO
That sucks...
That's beyond sucking... I could get better results from spending 10 minutes in a nursing home full of deaf people with a fixed income."
- David Hooper,

I've always wondered what it would be like to be one of those people on MySpace Music who have like 20000 friends, a decked out page and hundreds of comments a day. I thought for sure they must sell like at least ten cds a day just from MySpace, but maybe, after reading this, I'm wrong?

Well, bottom line, alls I know is I ain't sold shit on MySpace yet, LOL. I did get some cool people to a couple of my shows a few months ago though, so hey, I must be ABOVE average!

"How high R the stakes? How much fortune can U make?" - Madonna, How High


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